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Conversations with God- Carrying Burdens

Book 3 Message 7  Carrying Burdens


How are you going today?


I have been struggling with sleeping too much. It could really get me down, so today I decided to stay up for a night and break the cycle. You know me, no matter what comes against me, I get through it.


Yes, we are proud of you. You are an overcomer and you are quite resilient. I love your attitude to life. No matter what you go though, you still seem to love me and you don’t seem to complain too much to me or others.

You are a joy to me Matthew. I delight in you. I get really excited to talk to you. I have been calling for you to sit down and have a conversation with me in front of other people for a few days.

Sure, we have chatted as you lay in your bed with the back and forth, but as for my words getting recorded and in print, I have been calling you to come away with me for a few days. It is good that you are up and about, and awake and not too tired, so you can type what I have to say.

Do you know that I enjoy you? Do you know that I enjoy who you are? I look forward to the days when you are meeting more people and spreading my light to the world. I look forward to showing the world what love is through you.

I am so excited to speak to you. Once again I have come down to speak to you face to face.


Misty Edwards just sang, “Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down” and right at the same time you came down through the portal in my kitchen.

I enjoy the look of love on your face my papa. I don’t often call you papa, but my heart is healing slowly.

I am blown away that each time I sit down to type your conversations, that you are making a habit of coming down to see me. I am so shocked that you love me so. I am so overcome.


I am with you in this moment. I am with you in trying times. I know you are a little worried about test results tomorrow. I don’t want you to worry. Now drink the rest of your coffee, so you can sit on your sofa and you back can rest as you type.

That is good. Now you are relaxed. Now we can talk about carrying burdens. You carry a few of them don’t you?


Yes, I do carry burdens. I carry it on my heart. My life is consumed with my concern for the body of Christ. Sometimes I feel that my life has been poured out like the drink offering that Paul spoke about in his letters.

I don’t know what it is. It’s hard to quantify what I feel. It’s that the church and the body is dead and lukewarm and not very well fed, and

I have this massive burden for them. I care for them. My heart weeps for them. So many do not know you well. So many of the church are caught up with the world and its lusts. So many people have no desire to follow Jesus and what he taught. I am saddened that even with big popular preachers in the world and thousands and thousands of books and videos the people seem to be blind.

I am so sad. It keeps me from sleep.

I for one, feel these days that the lukewarm are not going to go to heaven unless they repent, change their ways and live a totally different life. I for one, feel that there are going to be Christians that Jesus is going to say to them, “Depart from me I never knew you.” And if the lukewarm are going to be rejected and vomited out of the Kingdom and the ones that run after lusts are going to be rejected, I am saddened for all the followers that are going to be rejected also.

You said once that my burden is never going to leave me. Is that true?


Why would I lift that burden from you my son? If the world needs to be taught and you are one of my faithful teachers that is bringing forth my truth, why would I remove that burden from you?

What I love about you, is that we have given you our heart and you have not rejected it. Your heart beats with our love and our compassion. You have a heart for everyone. You may not agree with everyone. You may not accept what everyone says, but you do love everyone.

You have said it so many times in your prophecies that you do for people, but you are a light on a hill. You are the very light of Christ on earth. You are Jesus on this earth.

Sure, you have your faults and failings and weaknesses. You are not perfect in the world’s eyes, but you are pretty good in my eyes. I love you so much. I love you so much that you make me cry when I think of you.

You are my Enoch. I wish I could bring you home right now. I wish your destiny and your purpose on earth was up and I could take your hand and take you back to heaven with me now.

I can’t help cry for you. I love you so much. I am undone.


I used to see John Paul Jackson cry when I met him and now you are crying when you speak of your love for me. Your tears mean so much to me. It is a hard thing for a person to read and believe I would imagine. But the readers can have faith that I tell the truth.

I have made my peace with staying here I think. I may have more work to do on that subject but I think I have overcome that thought. I heard you say that you want me to write another 60 books and so that will take me some time to do.

I am so happy to meet you today. I am happy that I stayed up and I am happy I sat down to speak to you. You even picked the music my Misty Edwards for me to pay while I type which has given some really great songs to listen to.


People assume when Jesus was on earth that his words were for the people of the day and the leaders of his day. When he said that the blind were leading the blind, people read that assume that he was speaking about the teachers of his day.

Some people would accept that there exist blind leaders today but they aren’t so quick to accept that the very leaders that they are listening to are the blind leaders he spoke about. People think everyone is wrong except themselves and their church.

Jesus said in revelation that the church has a “reputation” for being alive but that in fact they were dead. The churches therefore have the biggest reputations in the world under that reasoning have the most to worry about.

The reason I will give you my heart and our burdens is because it has come time for you to lead your readers to the living water in Christ and the water of the Holy Spirit. You need to lead people into personal relationship with us. It is time that people find us and follow us and stop relying on other teachers to be taught.

I will give each person a burden to carry and for them to work with. For some it might just be a song that I want recorded, some it might be a blog post I want written and the burden will lift when that is done. For others, I will give a longer burden and for some I will give a mantel and a burden that will last all of their lives.

I know that what you carry is heavy of you but it pushes you right into our bosom. You are kept close with what is on your heart and what you carry. Be at peace. I make my leave. God and edit this as best you can and post it on your blog.


See ya


Bye for now.