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Conversations with God_ The Presence

Message 8

The Presence


How are you going?


I am going very well today. I slept in today and I am feeling pretty good. It is so good to sit down and speak to you. I can feel your presence now which is what this topic is about today.


Yes, for a number of years you have been able to feel my presence without worshipping or praying or doing any external things to welcome it. My presence is simply in your life and a part of your everyday experience.


I love the peace and the joy that is found in your presence. Of course, the presence gets stronger when I worship or when you turn up in my house, or someone from heaven turns up in my house. I love having encounters. I never tire of having heavenly guests in my house.

I am also thankful to have angels in my life. Most days I don’t acknowledge my personal angels but I know they are here helping me with my life.


Yes, your angels bring my presence even if you don’t see them or acknowledge them openly. They have a deep love for you. They really care for you and everything that you do. They are thankful to me that I assigned them to you.


It really pleases me to know that my angels are happy to be with me. I never thought that they might be thankful that they were chosen to work with me. I remember a prophecy from years ago that said your angels were lining up and eager to work with me. I guess that is what you are talking about here.


Yes, my angels are delighted to be working with you and for you in your life. They are happy with you and proud of you. You make their existence worthwhile. You are so busy writing books and doing ministry on Facebook that they find many ways to help you and speak through you. They are not bored like you assume sometimes. They will grow with you and increase my presence in your life as your days unfold.

They have a vested interest in you because what you achieve they get credit for and rewarded for. So they have a real joy in inspiring you and leading you and bringing you the joy and peace of Jesus as they know that the presence will result in you doing things that will bring me glory and them great reward.

What I like about you Matthew is that you know what your purpose is and you work each day toward it. You have a really good sense of my heart and my desires for you to achieve and each day you are busy with your hand to the plough. You are constantly busy and so it is my good pleasure to supply you with my presence.

You have continued to strive to know my heart and my presence is with you as it was with Moses and the people of Israel. I will always be with you and as you begin to minister around the world in years to come, my presence will go with you. I have anointed you to be my witness and my prophet and I will use you to glorify my name. I love how you only want to serve me and lead my people to me. I enjoy you so much. You are a delight to me.

It is no light thing that I compare you to Moses, and yet you are like him to me. Instead of growing up in the royal courts however you have grown up with humble beginnings and you have been tutored by the Holy Spirit and Jesus himself. For many years you have wanted a fatherly mentor to mentor you and all of your life we have not provided anyone for you outside of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Indeed, you have grown up to know and teach all that you do, because we have taught you direct. Your patience in this matter, and your understanding of our ways has impressed me personally. I am so impressed that you didn’t continue to beg me for a mentor but instead though your Facebook groups and though your books you have been a mentor to other people.

I love you dearly. You are concerned that your book sales are dropping this month. This affects your peace, but I am here to say that you relationship with me and Jesus is the most precious thing that you have, not book sales. I love you dearly and I will continue to bring peace and joy to your heart no matter what the book sales do. It’s not who read your books that I important to us, as much as who you are becoming in us. I have to deal with all of you and sometimes I will use external things like book sales to get through to you. I enjoy you and will always be with you and championing you.


Thank you for your kind words of reassurance. I am pleased you have brought that up about book sales as that has been weighing heavy on my mind. I seem to get my self-esteem from how many books are selling each month and I know that is not right and I should be free of judging myself though numbers on a page.


I know that the sales are important to you. I get that. I am not dumb and I am not insensitive to what concerns you. But there is a bigger picture than that and I want to lead you to it. I want to lead you out of being small minded and concentrating on the book sales to something more expansive and greater. I want you to get a hold of my views about the USA and Australia. I want you to become a voice for those nations and become somewhat as my mouthpiece in a small way.

I want to move from you being a spectator to someone whose words make a difference and bring change to those two nations. I want to bring you out as a prophet. I want to elevate your name and I want you to bring a significant voice to these counties. I will give you the videos to watch and the research to do and then I will lead you to speak out and prophesy my words. I will be with you and I will make my voice be heard though you. I am going to change your assignment and focus in this time from just being a writer to becoming an international prophet.

Now, as I say that, you can see my wisdom on allowing your book sales to go down. I want to take your attention off that and change it and refocus it to my will and being my voice. It will take some time and I won’t be rushing you, but in time you will have a brand new focus and mission.


Thank you Father. It was a good conversation today. I love you dearly.


I love you more than you can conceive.