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There is a call for Elijah’s in this hour

The Lord Jesus is coming home soon to collect a spotless bride. The Lord is coming to get a unified bride. He is coming to get a people that are caught up with Him and fully devoted to Him. He is coming for a group of “called out” ones. He is coming for a group of people that live and breathe Him and His ways of doing things. He is coming for a people that are not just passionate but He is coming for a people that have been active in pursuing His Kingdom and bringing liberty to the people of the world.

Jesus is coming for a people that not only know their destinies but have been actively walking in them and seeing them come to pass. Jesus created us all to serve Him in some way. We all have a purpose and it is only when we walk in that purpose as a body that great strides will be taken in the Kingdom.

God is looking for people, and prophets who can speak people into their destines. God is looking for prophets who not only share with people what their destiny is but who teach them how to take hold of it and pursue it with all their lives. God is looking for an army to make war with the devices of Satan in the world. God is looking for His army to rise up and show people that Jesus not only exists, but only through Him can true freedom be realised. God is looking for a people who are set apart and holy and who lead people in the paths of righteousness.

And God is raising up an army of the five -fold ministries to train and equip the saints. The ministry leaders will not seek their own favor and pleasures. They won’t be seeking to build their own ministry or their own name among men, but they will be true servants of all, like Jesus and the Apostle Paul who came before them 2000 years ago.

God is stirring in the hearts of many men and women. God is calling forth His Elijah’s that can make way for the coming of the bridegroom. He is calling for people to prepare the hearts of His people, to become oaks of righteousness bearing fruit and sustenance for the people of the world. God is looking for you. Will you heed the call?