How are you today?
I am well rested. I did quite a bit of sleeping today. I got up from bed and did five prophecy requests and heard you speak to people and then I went back to bed. Now I am in a good space. Sometimes I wake up in a bit of a fog and it takes a while for that the clear. It is clear now.
I love you coming to me and speaking to me. I know you have been impacted with what I have said. Yesterday, in substance I got emotional with you and it seemed to effect your friends who also read the post on Facebook. I like to know that my words effect people. Today we are going to talk about a few things that disturb me. There are a number of things that are being taught that are not so healthy for people. They are taught with passion and yet are not the truth.
It must concern you to have error taught as fact. I would hate to be the author of the Bible and people take what I wrote and mislead people with it. The thing I have found is that many people like scriptures to accompany any teaching and if it has enough supporting scriptures they will embrace any teaching. I am not sure that false teachers know what they are teaching is error. I think most people that teach error honestly think they have a revelation and they teach it with passion not ever knowing that it is error.
Yes, that is the case often. There are many people that teach error that are convinced that they have revelation and they are totally unaware that they are teaching error.
There are people teaching that there is going to be no antichrist and no rapture. I want to share with you that this has all its clever and reasonable explanations but the teaching is wrong. There will come a time with a one world leader, who is going to act against the Christians and there is going to be a time where Jesus brings his bride home to heaven.
People that teach that there is going to be no antichrist although their motives might be noble, are in reality giving people a false sense of hope. These teachers teach this theory as though it is fact and the church need not worry. In these last days there will rise up true prophets to warn the church and help them move to safety, but a person will have to have faith in the prophets to take heed to the warnings and move. People who have been taught error and believe that error won’t take notice of the prophets and move to the sanctuaries.
That is an important error that needed to be highlighted. The people that read the book that this understanding comes from are most often persuaded by it. I must say that it had a big effect on me. It took me about a month to come back out from under its spell. Its like a spell was cast on me. Many people who have read that book advertise it to all their friends, and one by one people come to believe in error.
This must be very important for you to even mention it here. I know that this book won’t be read by the whole world and I don’t think this book will be read by all the people who believe this error. Thank you for your love for the people of God.
That is okay Matthew. I don’t like error. There is another error that says that there is no literal hell and that every person, every fallen angel and even Satan are all going to end up in heaven. At one stage while you were in your mental illness we allowed you to start to think this was possible. We allowed you to try and convert Satan for a time.
Today, this teaching of universalism is taking off and winning great numbers of people to its ranks. This teaching that everyone is going to be forgiven sounds really good and is highly appealing to people who hear it. After all, who doesn’t like a great ending? The problem is that it has already been prophesied that Satan and his followers are all going to end up in the lake of fire that burns forever.
The people that teach this have clever arguments like any deception, yet this is not true in any way.
The problem with this teaching besides the fact that it is error is that diminishes a believer’s compulsion the share the Gospel with others that don’t know Christ. They spend so much time trying to convert other Christians to their way of thinking.
I can see this error leading many people astray. I had a guy that was friends on Facebook that believed this way and it got to a point where I couldn’t stand his posts anymore and I unfriended him. It is terrible that this teaching says that people really haven’t got freewill and whether they choose Christ or not they are going to end up in heaven anyway. The people that believe this have good hearts but they have no idea that they are deceived and that they are actively spreading lies.
There is also beliefs that have people bound. The idea that you have to perform and do everything right to be loved by me and Jesus is wrong teaching. The idea that salvation isn’t a free gift and that you have to somehow do things to be accepted into heaven is a false teaching. Without and understanding that heaven is accessed by faith, people are continually doing good works to inherit salvation. This understanding is what many call legalism and religion. It is a tricky understanding to get free of because the Bible can be so easily construed to prove in some way that this approach is right.
Yes, once you have been brought up with this understanding in church it is hard to come from underneath this yoke of teaching. The fact that our salvation is a free gift that can’t be earned is scandalous. The Gospel of grace is radical and we as humans like to think that we have earned our way into heaven. We are used to comparing ourselves with each other and though this understanding we can measure ourselves and feel better than other people.
Yet, when we believe that we have to do works to earn our salvation the question remains how much is really enough? We are constantly on a treadmill trying to do enough to make ourselves feel worthy. Many of us fail to measure up and live our lives feeling shame and condemned
Of course on the other hand, the Gospel of grace can be taken too far also where anyone living any lifestyle they choose can be accepted into heaven without repentance. Some even preach that repenting often is an offence to God.
Yes, sadly the Gospel of grace can be taken to the extreme and this can have people doing all sort of gross sins and not feeling convicted or compelled to repent. Of course you can be a in religion and legalism and still do gross sins. The grace camp hasn’t got a monopoly on sin like some people teach.
The thing people need to understand, is that I love people. I do call people to live a holy life and I can provide a means and a way that people can achieve this if they look hard enough. I am a God that really cares about these errors in the world. I encourage all people to draw near to me through the Holy Spirit and let us guide you into all truth.
Have a good night Matthew