How are you Matthew?
I have had a shower and I am smelling great and feeling great. I had enough sleep last night and I am in a good mood and your Holy Spirit led me to have a conversation with you today.
I enjoy speaking to you. You are a treasure to me. It is really good to speak to a person who does not filter out my voice with what you believe is possible. I love speaking to you face to face and sharing my heart with you. It is so good to have a friend that does not place demands on me. It is so refreshing to have a relationship with a person who doesn’t want what they want, but who is open to being and doing what we want.
I am pleased to be who I am. I wish I could teach people how to be like me and not be a person harassing you and Jesus to do things for them. I wish I could teach people how to co-labour with you.
You would be surprised at how many people you are effecting with your books. You hear testimonies from your friends that say that you have radically affected their lives, but they are just the tip of an iceberg. There are so many homeless that are being effected by your words as your readers start to open their hearts to them.
In so many ways people are being effected by your words and what you say in your books and what you say on your Facebook page. You are really doing a great job and I am so happy with you and all that you do.
This subject is getting by. So many people, myself included don’t want to rock the boat and do not speak out when they really need to speak out. They just coast along and get by. This was never your way and never the way of your Son Jesus.
Yes, it is a good subject. So many people do not speak out about injustice or error that is going on in their midst. When it all boils down to it, people don’t want to lose friends or lose influence with the people that they know. They see something, or hear something that is not right and instead of doing anything about it, they pretend that they did not see it. The world that you live in is so judgemental of people and they just ignore things so often.
A person can post some error on their page on Facebook, and be very active at leading many people astray, but instead of sending the person a private message saying that they are wrong and leading people into error they just ignore it and scroll past.
It takes wisdom and fresh revelation sometimes to be able to correct and false teacher, or someone teaching error, and I am not saying that you will always have the wisdom or fresh revelation that is needed to turn a person around, but at least you can try. I will be happy if you try and sometimes the Holy Spirit will work with you and give you the words to say.
I have to agree that I am guilty of this. I see people teaching dominion theory and I see people posting that there is no eternal hell and I stay silent. I guess I don’t want to enter into another argument. I speak on some controversial things myself and I have people constantly telling me that I am in error. I guess I have grown weary of conflict.
Yes that is what has happened with you Matthew. You have grown weary and instead of blocking some people, you continue to read what they post, but you don’t speak up very often anymore. I want to give you a refreshing and a fresh empowerment of my Holy Spirit and I want to lead you out and encourage you to speak up and speak out. How do you know that these people don’t have friends correcting them? Perhaps everyone has given up on them and are simply doing what you are doing and staying silent and letting them continue in their error without any opposition.
I won’t call you to speak up to all of them in one week. I will move on you to speak out to one of them from time to time. I will space things out for you so you are not always on confrontation mode. I am pleased that we have had this talk.
I feel that I am going to lose some friends through this.
If you write to them with humility and with love, you may lose them as friends, but my Holy Spirit can use it to convict them and lead them toward truth one day. As a person who has had many people try to rebuke you and come to you with pride and self-righteousness, you know what it like to be approached the wrong way. You also know how to approach a person in humility and love. You know that you can do it. You know also that I am asking you to put your friendships on the alter.
Jesus said, “Better love has no man, then for him to lay down his life for another.”
You need to lay down your life for these people. You need to do it for me and for their sakes. I promise you that I will look after you and comfort your heart and give you peace, no matter what happens.
It is time that you simply stop getting by and living without rocking the boat. It is time that you start to speak out and use you influence and relationship with people to have an effect on them.
I will set this in motion. I will look out for posts that are in error and I will start to write to people and bring the best correction that I can muster. I ask that your Holy Spirit might work with me and inspire my words as I do this.
That was a short conversation but much needed. If you are reading this and you also have friends that teach error, you need also to bring correction with love and humility to them. Put on some worship music, worship me, ask the Holy Spirit to be with you and write a love filled message to your friend and tell them that you are concerned that they are deceived and are teaching other people deception.
Thank you Father. It was good to meet you today. I enjoyed what the Holy Spirit told me in the shower that I need to publish the book that I wasn’t going to publish as I didn’t want to waste the money on books that don’t get bought that much. He told me not to think with the spirit of lack and that I need to publish it. He told me not to horde my money but be open and freely spend what the Lord gives me.
Yes, Matthew. We want you to publish that book of messages from angels. They really bless people that read them. You don’t have to worry about finances. We can raise people up to give you money. You have to get on top of that. I know it is hard. You have to rid yourself of thinking with a spirit of lack. The only way to do that is to spend with faith. Love you.
See you Father.
Bye son.