Scripture. Book 4, Message 2
How are you today?
I seem to have had enough sleep. At the same time, I think I could go and sleep some more if I tried. You allowed me to wake very early. I just updated my software and it was a bit scary for a whiile there. But I came out of it okay. There are so many little things that make me worry.
Yes, your life goes from one worry to the next. You concern yourself with so many things. Sometimes I wish that you could have my mind fully and you would not worry about such trifle things that you worry about.
That is the strength of knowing the scriptures. There are so many promises in the Word that say that life for you will be fine and your worries will be taken care of.
You have been hurt by teachers that have been teaching error. Last message I asked you to confront people who teach error. I was proud that soon after that post you did exactly that. It wasn’t received very well, but that is understandable. People who have enbraced an error are not easiy talked out of it. I am very happy that you spoke up. I am so proud of you and the fact that you do as I tell you.
I like to do as you say. You were right. I was letting people teach their error and I wasn’t doing anything about it. Even though the person I corrected didn’t respond well, I am happy that I did as you told me to. I am hapy to do things that you tell me.
Many people twist scripture and make it say things that it does not say. There are so many people teaching error and its only your proper understnading of scripture that will stop you from being caried away with their deceptions.
Most people who teach error have no idea that they are in error. There does not exist many people in the world that teach error on purpose. Of course they exist, but not at the levels some people would imagine them to be.
But whether a person teaches error willingly or whether they teach it simply because they believe it, it is still error and dangeous to your spiritual well-being.
You have been hurt by false teaching. I understand. I feel for you. You were first brought up in legalism and then you were converted to grace and once again people in hyper-grace taught you error. In the fallout you come to have an issue with the scriptures because wherever you looked one of the opposte camps of theology had a verse supporting what they teach.
The enemy did a realy number on you because he stopped you reading the Bible. We can totally understand you and where you are coming from. It is a great thing that you have picked up the Bible from time to time and found scriptures that you can meditate on and they have provided you with real inner strength.
I like that I have been living scriptures for a while. There are numbers of scriptures that, I don’t just know but they are being fulfilled in my life. I like to say that the Word is living within me. I gather so much strength from these scriptures.
Some people seem to read the scriptures all the time and yet their life does not line up and conform to the scriptures. It is like a person seeing and movie one week, and you asking them what it was about the next week and them not being able to tell you. So many people read books, read the Word and it goes in one ear and out of the next.
You know when I will be free to read the Word again. I don’t want to read it out of a sense of religion. I don’t want to read it because people say that I should be reading it. Moses and Abraham did all that they did though a relationship with you and they didn’t have a Bible. People tend to forget that.
I feel your pian my friend. I am not going to force you to read the scriptures. I know that feelings that you have. I can feel what you are going through. It was brave that you even wrote about this subject and didn’t just skip over it. Not many people would have known that you skipped it from the sunject order in Jesus Speaking Today where you are getting the subjects from for this book.
I am so happy with you. I was so proud of you speaking up yesterday after we talked. I am so happy that you do what I tell you to do. Many people can’t do what I want them to do because they cannot hear me speaking to them. Many people reading this series of books don’t have a real two-way conversational relationship with me.
The scriptures are important. You have a lot of Word in you. One day, you will be okay and you will be reading again. One day you will be healed and you are going to be a real powerhouse and you are going to be teaching the Word of God with all sorts of power and authority.
While I have you here and we are speaking, I want you to know that you are so much like my son David. You just did a 5 hour interview with him and you are going to make a book called King David Speaks from Heaven. While you interviewed him, and he spoke though you, you got a real sense of what sort of person that he was. You are so much like him. You both have child-like faith and innocence. You both have a pure heart and you both would do anything to please me. I want you to know that you do please me.
I am so proud of you Matthew. Even though you do have struggles and concerns many times, you do have some great times of peace and serenity with Us. I love spending time with you and I look forward to spending great amounts of time with you in heaven. You just have some years worth of work to do on earth until we meet. You have so many books to write.
Have a good morning.
Bye God.