Book 4, Chapter 3
How are you today Matthew?
I slept a lot of today, so I can’t go to sleep tonight. I have been editing a book and now I thought I would talk to you and do a chapter for my readers.
Your readers are important and I am conscious of them as I speak to you, but I really love to come and speak to you. You have looked over on your sofa and you can see me. I have come down to spend time with you. I love you so much my dear friend. You are precious to me and you are on my mind all the time.
Really? I am on your mind a lot?
My friends are always on my mind. I watch you and I wait for you to speak to me. My Holy Spirit directs you and Jesus speaks to you, but I wait for you to talk to me. I love you so much. I am so proud of you and all that you do. I am so happy with you. You really bring me honor and glory. The books that you write really draw people closer to me.
I love to write. I love to direct people to you and Jesus. You are my source. Without you in my life, my life would have no meaning. Without you and the Holy Spirit and Jesus in my life my life would not be worth living.
I try my best to be as good as I can. I try my best to point people to you. I am excited about my new book about the 18 scriptures references that I mediate on called 18 scriptures references that will change your life forever- My Life Verses. I am excited about getting the typing back from what I recorded for the book.
I am used to pondering verses and meditating on them. My whole life is built on what the Word says and I am happy with what I shared in that book. I have thought of one more verse now, a 19th verse but the cover had already been made now.
You can have the cover designer change the cover Matthew. It is a great verse and you would have some great things to say about it. I love the way that you meditate on the scriptures and low my Word to come alive in you. You don’t just quote scripture, you live it. That is such a powerful witness to other people.
Have you ever heard how proud I am of you? I know I have told you many times, but have you ever stopped to hear me when I say it? I am so proud of you. You display my son to the world. You are a little Jesus to the world. I am just so in love with you and so ever proud of you. I hope you can see my eyes and tears running down my face.
We have further healing that we need to do in your life. You are aware of that. You can see. We will lead you to the right people at the right time. Just hold onto my words. Hold onto my tears for you and know that you are loved and precious to me and Jesus and heaven.
I will bid you good night now.
I love you Matthew.