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You can love people who are in a sinful lifestyle and touch them in such a deep way by standing with them until you see them break free!

Jesus has stood with me for many years, and folks, I am still in chains that only very experienced counselors can set me from in God’s time. Your sin does not hurt Jesus as much as people preach. What hurts Jesus is seeing you suffer and cry and bound in this shame and condemnation while you self-medicate in sin and run back to his love time and time again.

Satan calls you to be self-righteous and judge the sinner, and he talks and direct Christians—born-again, Spirit-filled Christians—a lot more than they care to admit.

I have suffered with the sin I am in. I have cried as I have not been able to set myself free from my chains, and I also weep for the billions of souls who are bravely suffering and waiting for their miracle and freedom.

I have personally met Jesus face-to-face in visions on earth over 400 times. I have met Jesus in the flesh as a human five times. Jesus has spoken to me face-to-face through two homeless people for 20 minutes as the homeless person went into a trance. I have met God the Father many, many times in heaven and on earth. I have met Michael the archangel more than 50 times, and I have a great relationship with him. I have met many saints in the Bible and many other angels. I live under a continuous open heaven. I say all this to say that I am dearly loved by Jesus and the Father. And I am not free yet!

We might suffer for many years of our life as a slave to an addiction that is a cruel task master. The addiction fills you with shame, affects your intimacy with Jesus and wastes all your money. No counselor has ever been able to bring you freedom even after 25 years. So you become sick and tired of pastors, preachers and so-called experts of the faith telling you that you are only bound because you have not properly repented.

Folks, can I be brutally honest with you?

For years, witches astral travelled into my bedroom, and I was a victim of satanic ritual abuse: hurt, raped and broken as Satan worked out his plans in my life. He wanted to make sure I could never, ever become the great and powerful man of God that God has called me to be.

I cannot become this future powerful man of God until I am set free from these chains and of my habitual addictions and until all my alters have been dealt with, healed and reconciled into my spirit.

Some people are so messed up that if they never find an expert who can deal with the fall out of Satan’s abuse in their life, then they will cry and self-medicate, run to Jesus for peace, run to sin again and then run back to Jesus. They will continue that destructive pattern of behavior without ever getting free until the day they die.

I have suffered in silence for many years with my secret sins that kept me in shame and chains of bondage. I now realize that most of the accepted truth preached by pastors and the church falls way short of effectively setting captives like me free.

I said all of that to say: Be a true representation of Jesus and don’t judge others. Be a true friend to people until they are completely free.

Now many people might not read this post, but if you have read this far, please don’t be self-righteous with sinners but sit down with them and eat with them. Don’t worry if others think that you are a friend of sinners like Jesus was when he was here.

I would love your prayers over the next year as I receive intense counselling, but more than that, I would appreciate it if you would seriously consider these words and use my testimony to propel you to be the answer for some people’s lives until they can find freedom in the church’s eyes.