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Conversations with God- Life’s Hurdles

Book 3 Message 10

Life’s Hurdles


How are you?


I slept for most of yesterday and so I couldn’t sleep tonight so I have been up for most of the night. I just felt led to speak to you. Welcome to my house.


I really enjoy coming to speak to you. You are a joy to me. What you consider as faults and sins in your life, that you allowed you to keep you from having intimacy with us, were only in your life for a season. Now you are doing really well. You have a testimony that can encourage and inspire so many people.

People love you as a writer as you share your life with all your struggles and hurdles. People only have to read the beginnings of each post to see that you have sleep issues in your life.

Your life is not normal and you would struggle to hold down a normal job because of you sleep issues. People are encouraged when they see that you have a life that has its own struggles as they see that your life is not perfect and therefore they too can reach the sort of relationship that we have also. It is important that leaders don’t give the impression that their life is out of reach and unattainable.


Many people who read my books report to me in emails and through reviews that they admire my honesty and transparency. I think that the best way to give people the atmosphere where they can learn is to be transparent. I certainly enjoy being taught by people who are upfront about life’s hurdles and struggles that they go through.

Life seems to have one thing to deal with after another. We are certainly not in a straight race in life. Life has many hurdles that we have to get over. It is not always easy.

I am going away for five days next week on a ministry trip to a person’s home and I worry that I will sleep too much and they will think that I am lazy. I know these thoughts are simply coming from the enemy that is trying to get me into fear.


It is going to be a good visit for you next week. You are going to do well and they won’t be judging you and we will work with you so that you have a good time. The enemy has you worry so often and we can understand how you worry because even tonight you are up and you sleep patterns are effected. You will be okay though. We will work with you.

We are going to make sure that you are anointed and you are led by our Spirit so that you can really touch Honni and show her that you really are a special person. We are going to work with you and be with you. You can be sure that we will work with you to make you impress.

You hold yourself in little regard. You really do not know how awesome that you are. Your friend Lisa tells you that you have really no idea about how impressive that you are. She has read 15 of your books and she is impressed with you but when she talks to you she realises that you have not got a big ego because she sees that you don’t really have any concept about how awesome that you are.


Thank you my Lord. Thank you for speaking to me and reminding me of that part about myself. I have to agree, that I don’t really understand what is so special about me.

I know that many people don’t speak to you face to face like me. I know many people don’t talk to saints like me and have the opportunity to interview them. I know that not many people are as close to Jesus as me. But I know that all of this is possible for people if they desire it. I have not done anything that that can’t be done by others.

I guess people don’t want to suffer the life I have. I guess people don’t want to leave the world and its lusts and become separated unto you. I guess people don’t want to put the time into getting to know you and Jesus like I do. I guess it is too hard for people so they put up with what they have.


You are unique. You are special and a person that is rare in the Kingdom. Let me tell you that you mean a lot to me. You even meant a lot to me before you got on top of your sins. You have a pure heart. You have a heart like David and like David your writings are encouraging others to draw closer to me. I enjoy you. It is one of my favourite things to come down here and speak to you.

You are like Moses to me. One day you will see how many people you are affecting and you will see that I spoke the truth to you here and now. I come down to meet with you face to face like I did with Moses, because you are a special friend to me. I enjoy speaking to you and sharing my life with you.

I wish that people would prepare their own hearts to be a welcoming place for me. I wish that I could come and visit with all of my people. I wish that people really wanted me to come and see them. I wish that all people could be as friendly to me as you are my friend. It is my hope through these books that people might come to see my heart and my desires to fellowship with them.

Coping with life and its many hurdles is a whole lot easier when you know me and you have a living relationship with me. I can make any person’s life easier when they know me and I give them my favor. I want to bless people but so many of them are my enemies loving the world and its ways more than they love me. (James 4:4)

I have so much that I could do for people. I have so much to share with people. I have so much love that I want to pour into people. There is so much that I can share with them. My heart aches for them. If people only knew how much I wanted to bless them and go before them in life and open doors for them. Doors of prosperity, doors of blessing, and favor. I have so much to give to them, if they would only let go of the world and its lusts. If only they would let go of their selfishness and die to self. If only my people would do things the way that I have planned for them.

I get sad sometimes as I speak to you Matthew. You are so kind and so open with me. You allow me to speak my heart and don’t shut me down. You don’t have any agenda and any desire to ask me for things and seek your own will. It’s easy to speak to you and you really listen to me. You don’t switch your mind off to think of other things and you don’t ask me to speak about other things. I come to your place and you simply allow me to speak and get things off my chest. And what is more, your readers will read what I have to say and will also get to hear my heart. That makes me happy.

I wish the world would discover you as an author and publish your books far and wide so many more people would be blessed by what you write. People assume that I control everything but mankind still has a lot of control in the world. We could show a person is a major publishing firm your books, and yet it would still be up to that person to see the value of your books and reach out to you.

You have no idea how happy it makes me to come down here and meet with you face to face and share my heart with you. You make me so happy. You bring me so much joy. My life in heaven is so much better knowing that I have you on earth. You are my precious son. I really wish you could capture how much that I love you.

On an earlier visit, I actually cried when I told you that I loved you and that showed you my love, but that does not even cover it. You     are so precious to me. It is time for this to finish or it will be too long. Thank you for listening to me.


It is my pleasure God.


See you later. Try and proof read this and post it.