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Getting Right with God- Part 27

Journal 27


How are you?


I slept in I am feeling good. Not too tired. I am pretty good.

I am pleased that you feel good. I have to tell you that I am very happy that I can speak to you every day. Before you started these journals we didn’t speak as much as we are speaking now. It is my hope that many people who read the book that this becomes will choose to start their own journals and follow in your footsteps.

It is so encouraging to me to be able to be there for you each day. You spend a few minutes waking up and getting your bearings and then you sit down and have a conversation with me. In that way I am not some God kept on a throne, light years away, who has no interest in you and your life, but I am an ever present God who is intimately interested in your day to day life.

I love to speak to you and see you open up to me. I love to expose the lies in your life and I love to see you deal with things in the courts with me. I love this whole format that you were taught by Alex your counsellor.

I wish that I could speak to all the people that love my son Jesus. Sometimes I wish that they could learn to speak to me and hear me speak to them. So many lives would be transformed if people were able to speak to me and hear me speaking back to them. I would be overjoyed.


I can’t really understand you in this. I pretty much have the ability to speak to everyone that I love. I can’t imagine loving people and not being able to speak to them. Oh, there is one person who I love that is too busy for me to talk to. That makes me sad. I can’t really imagine that happening on a large scale like you though.

It must be hard to hear their prayers and have to listen but not being able to speak back to them. It must be frustrating and sad for you. I see that Mark Holloway form New Zealand has an aim to have forty million new people speak to you. That would be wonderful.


That would be wonderful yes Mathew. You can see how I would want that to happen also. I will be happy when readers of this book will reach out and start to talk to me. Take care.

Openness and Vulnerability 27


What lie am I believing?


You believe that some things are too hard for you to understand sometimes. This holds you back. When it came to new technology and apps, you shy away from them because you don’t think you can make them work. Of course science and complicated mathematics is beyond you, but there are many things that you dismiss that can be opened up to you with help from heaven.

You are smarter than you think and your life is an open portal to the heavenly realms and the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of understanding can help you with many subjects. You can access heavenly wisdom and knowledge with our help. Many of the things that you achieve are awesome. The fact that for two years you were producing a new book every month is something many authors couldn’t achieve. You are able to do many things.

You seem to dismiss some things too fast. You would never know that you could do these journals every day until you persisted with it. You initially wanted to give up and were complaining about how hard it was. But you got through it. It is still hard for you to do each day, but you are getting through it.

The same goes for some spiritual concepts. Some of them you think are too hard to understand and so sometimes you kind of give up on trying to find the answers that you are looking for. One example is teaching about the Kingdom of God. You hear people speaking about it, but you have not been able to find a book on it so you have given up on knowing about it.

We want you not to give up on things. We will teach you when the time is right. Then we will see you teach on it in a way that makes things really simple for people. Take care.

Courts of Heaven 27

Jesus, take me to the courts.

I see the courts. I see many angels standing in there. I see the Father on his throne. I give him honor. I see Jesus next to my table and I honor him. I see my personal angels and I honor them. I see the seven spirits of God around the Father. I honor them.

I see my accuser, He says I am blind to the truth about myself.

I agree with that. I have many issues and things coming against me that I am not aware of. I have many unrecognised talents also and I don’t know the truth about them. I am blind to the truth about myself. I try to be self-aware butt I can see I must be failing. This upsets me a little bit. I repent of my position in this.


You are forgiven Matthew. I judge the accuser and send him to be punished.

You are blind to much that makes you up Matthew. Both the things that are warring against you and the good things about you. I want you to know you are doing a terrific job for a person that has had so much come against you. I love you and I wash you in the blood of Jesus. I decree that you will know more and more about yourself in the future.
I write you a scroll. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I am precious as I am”

Put that scroll on your wall with the others.

Spirit of Wisdom:

You are magnificent and an overcomer. Be bold and courageous.


Thank you wisdom. I honor you. Thank you Father. I honor you. Thank you for getting rid of that accuser so fast. Thank you Jesus. I honor you. Thank you personal angels. I honor you. I leave the courts.