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Getting Right with God- Part 51

Journal 51


How are you today Matthew?


I am in good spirits. I have been up since 1 am and now I am in a very good place. It’s always a good thing to do my journal when I have been up for hours instead of only up for half an hour or so. When I am just waking up its hard on me.


I simply love speaking to you. I don’t mind how you are feeling when you are talking to me. I just love hearing your voice. It is true, we tend to have better sessions when you have been up for hours when we talk. But you don’t have to be fresh and awake for me to love speaking to you. Sometimes you are even more receptive when you are half asleep.

I love how you speak to me mind to mind. It’s so good that you have the ability to speak to me and to hear me speaking back to your spirit. So many people that are Christians can’t hear me speak. That is one of your jobs as a prophet to teach people how to hear me speak. You do well to teach people but in the future we will have you running workshops in churches to teach people to hear from me.


That will be good to see. I would love to see people activated to hear you speak. It is life changing to be able to hear you speak. And it is even more life changing to start to journal with you most days. I have been changing since I have started to journal with you. I am becoming more confident of your voice. It is really good.

I wish that people could understand who are reading this book or the blogs that I have written, that journaling is a good way of life to have. It is wonderful.


I know that when people read your book, many of them will start to journal and I will draw close to them. That will be your doing. I praise you for that.


Thank you

Openness and Vulnerability 51


What lie am I believing?

You think that you are never going to lose weight. This is not the truth. We will get things happening with exercise and diet and you will see the weight begin to come off. Satan has you fearing that this is not going to happen but he is a liar. He has been a liar since the beginning. It is helpful that you begin to have a meal when you get up as this will start your metabolism. The sooner you can start that, the better you will be. The idea of having one meal a day works against you in the long run.

I know that you are determined and you will do one step at a time and you will listen to what we say to do each step at a time. We will get you to place where you are burning more calories each day than you are taking in.

You have been faithfully doing your new exercises that the exercise physiologist has set you. You are riding you exercise bike most nights. You only miss doing that from time to time. You do everything that we ask you to do. You are going to beat this and you are going to lose weight. Just you wait and see.

I am so proud of you and the changes that you have been making. I am so happy with you. You are a delight to me. It’s really changing and we will get there. Trust the process.

Courts of Heaven 51


Jesus, take me to the courts

I see the courts. I see Bob Jones and I honor him. I see the Father and I honor him and give him praise. I see Jesus and I honor him for being here with me. I see my personal angels and I stop to give them each a hug.

I see the accuser, he says that I am not worthy and strong enough to discipline myself to lose weight.

I repent for my take outs that I have eaten to break my diet. And I repent for not having breakfast like I have been told to have. I am going to start to do everything that I am told to do. I am going to lose weight and I do have the discipline to do so. I repent.


You are forgiven for not eating right by having breakfast. You can change that. You are forgiven for having take out. You can change that. You are going to make the changes needed to lose weight.

I judge the accuser and send him to be punished.

I write a scroll for you, “I will discipline myself to lose weight”

Bob Jones
Heaven is so happy with you. You have so many changes going on. We honor you and praise you Matthew. You are a champion and I love you dearly. I miss our chats. Meet me on your mountain soon.


Thank you Bob. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus. I thank my personal angels. I leave the courts.