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Getting Right with God-Part 52

Journal 52


How are you doing today Matthew?


I am a bit tired today. I was going to skip this today but I decided to go ahead even though I am tired. I don’t think if I went to bed that I could sleep. I am just a little worn down.

I bought a iPod touch yesterday and it is taking hours for the music I have on my iTunes to download to it. It is taking so much time. I will have to remember to plug it in and download the music each time I download another album and not leave it for the albums to add up. I think it has taken close to four hours so far and not all the songs are downloaded. I am pretty shocked with how much time it is taking.


Yes, I can see how it is frustrating to you. It is long process, but when you are finished you will have music to play wherever you go out. The same is true for a believer to learn what you know. I can’t just win a person to the faith and have them understand and know everything that you know right away. Just like you have to wait for the music to download, we have to wait till a person learns day by day, verse by verse and sermon by sermon. Sometimes it feels to us that we are waiting ages for a person to mature.


Yes, I am not sure that I would like to become a Christian now and learn everything that I currently know. I am still not really satisfied with what I know. I still have many questions that I want answers to. I am hungry for more and more from you.


You will have you answers in good time. Take care.

Openness and Vulnerability 52


What lie am I believing?

You don’t believe that people will take you for granted. But people do that all the time to you. Many thousands of people did that to you when they requested free prophecies from you. They didn’t care for you, all they wanted was their free prophecy. People still write to you on Facebook and ask you for a free prophecy. When you share that you will do one for them for a donation to your ministry they get upset and call you a false prophet.

At one moment they want a prophecy and then five minutes later they are calling you a false prophet. They are amazing.

Take care not to let people take you for granted. Be sure to offer your time and your efforts because we tell you not because a person demands it from you. You have an amazing heart of compassion and without healthy boundaries you could get worn down by people who don’t really care about you but only care about their own selfish needs and desires.
I say this in love because you are so loving and you can be worn down by people. You need to keep your friends close and keep for yourself healthy boundaries with others.

That is all for now.

Courts of heaven 52


Jesus, take me to the courts.

I see the courts. I feel a rush of glory and I am overwhelmed by the presence of God. I see the Father and I honor him. I see Jesus and hug him. I see my personal angels and stop to give them each a hug.
I see many angels in the courts.

I see the accuser, he says that I won’t make a lasting impact on the world.

I tend to think this is true in one part of me but my faith raises up and says that this is a lie and a false accusation. It may be true for who I am at the moment but God is not finished with me yet. I have already made a lasting impact on many people who have read by books. I reject this accusation and I come out from beneath it.


You are right, Matthew, you are making lasting impact in the lives of many people. You have only heard from some people, but the number of people you are influencing is hundreds more than you know. You can dismiss this accusation

I judge the accuser and send him to be punished.

I write a scroll for you, “I am making a lasting impact on people and one day I will reach the world.”

I thank you Father. I thank you Jesus. Thank you for the hug. I thank my angels for coming here with me. I leave the courts.