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“When true prophetic voices emerge in nations and begin to speak truth and confront moral and cultural issues on a national level, they will always be ostracized by many and loved by few. The Bible and history proves this time and time again. 

What will wound these prophetic voices the most over time is not the stones that will be thrown at them publicly but by the silence of their closest friends privately. In every generation, there is always an abundance of leaders and people who are more loyal to men, their culture, their denomination, their network, and their political affiliations than they are to the truth. If they come into agreement with what the prophet has declared, they know it will cost them their platform and influence so they choose to remain silent and will even often times agree with those who contact them seeking consolation.

Jeremiah was thrown down a well for speaking truth to his nation, Micaiah was slapped and imprisoned for not giving Ahab a positive prophetic word, Elijah ran from Jezebel all the days of his life, and the Lord Jesus Christ and many prophets were martyred for speaking truth and confronting the moral and cultural issues of their days. 

The public is always seeking to slander, character assassinate, and attack the prophetic messengers so they do not have to receive the message from Above. We must always be very careful not to miss what God is speaking to a nation or people just because we don’t like who He is choosing to speak it through.”

A post on Facebook by Jeremiah Johnson

You can see more on Jeremiah at